Long-Range Plan

Long Range Plan 2022-2027

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This five-year plan contains the service responses, goals and measurable objectives of the Red Jacket Community Library (RJCL). It is based on input by the Long Range Planning (LRP) Committee, the RJCL Board of Trustees, and members of the Red Jacket community.

COMMUNITY INPUT: Five focus group sessions, led by a facilitator, drew a total of 24 people to brainstorm on community needs and how they could be addressed by a public library. (Focus Group Report) A community forum drew about 40 people to discuss the facility and shared-use agreement. Surveys were distributed at the community forum, summer programs, local business, and online. Survey input was solicited using the library weekly e-newsletter, social media, posters in the community, and in person. A total of 226 survey responses were received. (Community Survey Report)


The Red Jacket Community Library provides all residents of the Manchester/Shortsville Central School District (MSCSD) with a wide variety of programs, resources, materials and services that will meet the community’s need to satisfy curiosity, access information and support formal learning opportunities within a safe and welcoming environment for all.


1. Increase Access to Library Facilities and Services

Project Leader: Library Director, Facilities Committee

Purpose: To provide the level of access that the community wants for the library. This includes increased daytime hours, along with additional programs as identified in the focus groups and surveys.

Measurement: The Library Director will track response to daytime programs and services offered at branch locations. The Director will track usage of the Library facility and compare to prior years, both short-term and pre-COVID.

Action 1: Assess use of branch locations for daytime programming and services.
The Director has established branch locations in the Village offices (fire halls) and is offering daytime programming for children and adults. Evaluate the success of this activity in meeting community needs for daytime hours.

Tasks Team Timeline
Expand services in current branch locations to include pick-up of holds and other services, as identified and feasible.
Deliverable: Document describing services, programs, and usage
Director 2022
Identify challenges including staffing, logistics and physical demands of transporting materials. Identify opportunities to ease these challenges.
Deliverable: Document describing challenges and opportunities, with budget estimates
Director 2022

Action 2: Work to optimize hours in the main Library to meet community needs.
MSCSD has limited community access to the Library facility for daytime summer hours, and imposed later weekday opening times year-round. Work to restore community access to the main facility as possible.

Tasks Team Timeline
Work with MSCSD to restore some daytime summer hours and earlier weekday hours in the main Library facility.
Deliverable: Progress on agreement regarding hours (committee reports)
Facilities committee, ad hoc committee on operations  By Sept. 2022

Action 3: Explore additional facilities
Evaluate whether the combination of actions 1 and 2 above is sufficient to meet community needs. Compare to alternative solutions with cost/benefit analysis.

Tasks Team Timeline
Work with Red Jacket Community Center on ways to collaborate, including mutual support of grants and funding
Deliverables: Quarterly status reports to Board of Trustees
Director, Facilities committee 2022- 2027
Assess availability of other facilities in the community.
Deliverable: report on available facilities, with estimated costs and benefits
Director, Facilities Committee 2022

2. Increase Community Visibility and Awareness

Project Leader: Library Director

Purpose: To increase level of awareness among residents of the Manchester-Shortsville community on the availability of library locations, hours, programs and services.

Measurement: (1) Growth in outreach including number of methods used and number of people reached. (2) Growth in participation resulting from increased visibility and awareness. (3) Repeat survey to assess growth in awareness relative to baseline.

Action: Increase outreach, advertising and promotion

Survey responses indicate that many residents are not aware of the Library, or have a limited knowledge of the programs and services offered. This is exacerbated by the COVID closing.

Tasks Team Timeline
Increase newsletter subscribers and social media engagement by providing regular updates with relevant content.
Deliverables: Growth in engagement on social media including local groups. Growth in newsletter list. Report to board at least annually
Director and staff 2022 – 2027
Visible signage and advertising throughout the community on services, events and programs
Deliverables: Regular posting of signs and advertising
Director 2022 – 2027
Work with local governments (Towns of Manchester, Farmington, Hopewell and Villages of Manchester and Shortsville) to identify new ways to reach the community. Examples may include hosting a community calendar, flyers in mailings, signage at their offices.
Deliverables: Report to board on progress and activities (quarterly)
Director 2022 – 2027
Establish a realistic advertising budget and identify effective advertising venues to reach the community. May include direct mail
Deliverables: Annual budgets. Assessment of ad effectiveness.
Director and staff 2022- 2027
Repeat the community survey and assess progress.
Deliverable: Survey report
Planning committee 2025

3. Enhance Collections, Programs and Services

Project Leader: Library Director

Purpose: To provide the materials (both physical and digital), programs (both in-person and virtual) and services that patrons want.

Measurement: (1) Change in circulation of materials by category (books, ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs).
(2) Program attendance and exit surveys

Action 1: Assess and respond to patron interests

Focus group participants and survey responses indicated that many residents want programs and services we already offer (e.g. digital materials, tech help), but are not aware of them. They also offered ideas for additional programs that may be of interest to the community.

Tasks Team Timeline
Programs and services: Review surveys and Library usage data to determine what programs and services to add or expand, in accordance with patron interests.
Deliverable: Plans and budgets for program and service offerings.
Director 2022- 2027
Programs and services: Continuously assess interest in programs and services offered.
Deliverable: Reports of attendance, reception (monthly)
Director 2022 – 2027
Digital collections: Expand awareness of and access to system-wide digital collection. Educate patrons on use of owwl and owwl2go.
Deliverable: Report on educational programs and activities offered (monthly)
Director 2022- 2027

4. Focus on Development and Sustainability

Project Leader: Library Director, Finance Committee Chair

Purpose: To establish a funding model that supports sustained operations, in a manner that meets community needs and respects the resources of the local taxpayers.

Measurement: Annual budgets with increased income from grants, donations and other sources year to year over the course of this plan.

Action 1: Increase applications for grants

Numerous grants are available for libraries for a wide range of needs, from staff development to major construction. The Library will increase its focus on securing grants as a funding source.

Tasks Team Timeline
Assess availability of grants that meet the Library’s needs. Apply for grants for which we are well qualified, and that fill a need.
Deliverable: Report on grant applications submitted and won (monthly)
Director 2022- 2027
Recruit volunteers and/or train staff to assist with grant applications
Deliverable: Report on progress
Director, Board 2022 – 2027


Action 2: Establish and grow other funding sources

The Library has a dedicated Friends group that responds to requests for funding of specific needs. The Library has connections to potential major donors in the community. With care and attention, these resources may be better utilized and become a steady, more sustainable source of funding.

Tasks Team Timeline
Formalize policy regarding relationship with Friends of the Red Jacket Community Library, including fundraising
Deliverable: Policy
Director, Finance chair, Policy chair 2023
Working with accounting firm, explore creation of a Library Foundation
Deliverable: Report on findings Finance committee 2024
Finance Committee 2024

Adopted by the Red Jacket Community Library Board of Trustees December 20, 2021

Prior Long Range Plans

2017 -2022   |   Community Survey May 2016 – Summary Report


